Midterm evaluations are complete. I got to say Google was fairly quick in mailing the results. It was just after a few minutes after the deadline, I received a mail telling me I had passed. Yay!

Here’s my report for week 6.


1. Formal Power Series:

For the most of the week I worked towards improving the implementation for the second part of the algorithm. I was able to increase the range of admissible functions. For this I had to write a custom solver for solving the RE of hypergeometric type. It’s lot faster and better in solving the specific type of RE’s this algorithm generates in comparison to just using rsolve for all the cases. However, it still has some issues. It’s currently in testing phase and probably will be PR ready by the end of this week.

The code can be found here.

While working on it, I also added some more features to FormalPowerSeries(#9572).

Some working examples. (All the examples were run in isympy)

In [1]: fps(sin(x), x)
Out[1]: x - x**3/6 + x**5/120 + O(x**6)
In [2]: fps(cos(x), x)
Out[2]: 1 - x**2/2 + x**4/24 + O(x**6)
In [3]: fps(exp(acosh(x))
Out[3]: I + x - I*x**2/2 - I*x**4/8 + O(x**6)

2. rsolve:

During testing, I found that rsolve raises exceptions while trying to solve RE’s, like (k + 1)*g(k) and (k + 1)*g(k) + (k + 3)*g(k+1) + (k + 5)*g(k+2) rather than simply returning None which it generally does incase it is unable to solve a particular RE. The first and the second RE are formed by functions 1/x and (x**2 + x + 1)/x**3 respectively which can often come up in practice. So, to solve this I opened #9615. It is still under review.

3. Fourier Series:

#9523 introduced SeriesBase class and FourierSeries. Both FormalPowerSeries and FourierSeries are based on SeriesBase. Thanks @flacjacket and @jcrist for reviewing and merging this.

In [1]: f = Piecewise((0, x <= 0), (1, True))
In [2]: fourier_series(f, (x, -pi, pi)
Out[2]: 2*sin(x)/pi + 2*sin(3*x)/(3*pi) + 1/2 + ...

4. Sequences:

While playing around with sequences, I realized periodic sequences can be made more powerful. They can now be used for periodic formulas(#9613).

In [1]: sequence((k, k**2, k**3))
Out[2]: [0, 1, 8, 3, ...]

5. Others:

Well I got tired with FormalPowerSeries(I am just a human), so I took a little detour from my regular project work and opened #9622 and #9626 The first one deals with inconsistent diff of Polys while while the second adds more assumption handler’s like is_positive to Min/Max.

Tasks Week-7:

  • Test and polish hyper2 branch. Complete the algorithm.
  • Add sphinx docs for FourierSeries.
  • Start thinking on the operations that can be performed on FormalPowerSeries.

That’s it. See you all next week. Happy Coding!