Midterm evaluation has started and is scheduled to end by 3rd of July. So, far GSoC has been a very good experience and hopefully the next half would even be better.

Yesterday, I had a meeting with my mentor @jcrist. It was decided that we will meet every Tuesday on gitter at 7:30 P.M IST. We discussed my next steps in implementing the algorithm and completing FormalPowerSeries.


  • Most of my time was spent on writing a rough implementation for the second part of the algorithm. Currently it is able to compute series for some functions. But fails for a lot of them. Some early testing indicates, this maybe due to rsolve not being able to solve some type of recurrence equations.

  • FourierSeries and FormalPowerSeries no longer computes the series of a function. Computation is performed inside fourier_series and fps functions respectively. Both the classes are now used for representing the series only.

  • I decided it was time to add sphinx documentation for sequences. So, I opened #9590. Probably, it will be best to add documentation at the same time as the implementation from next time.

  • Also opened #9599 that allows Idx instances to be used as limits in both Sum and sequence.

Tasks Week-6:

  • #9523’s review is mostly done and should get merged soon. Also, add the documentation for Fourier series.

  • Polish #9572 and make it more robust.

  • Improve the range of functions for which series can be computed. Probably will need to improve the algorithm for solving the recurrence equations.

This week is going to be fun. Lots to do :)