Time flies fast. Two weeks have already passed since I started working on the project. Here’s what I have been upto.


I was hoping #9435 will get merged this week, but that didn’t really went my way. PR went through another round of review and I got plenty of good suggestions to work with. It still needs a little more love, to get merged.

Also started my work on series based classes. I worked on SeriesBase class. It will be the base class for all the other type of series. It defines a common interface that other classes should follow.

A long time ago(before GSoC), I wrote some code for computing Fourier series #9050 that never got completed. So, I gave a try to port it to the new sequences based system. It’s still not complete and needs some more work. The biggest challenge is speed, it’s slow because integration is slow. Speeding up integration can be whole new project on it’s own. So, I am not going to touch integration for now, but am still trying to speed it up in the best way I can.

On a side note, I had been working on Fraction Part or frac(x) (#9342) for quite some time now (almost a month). Today it also got merged into the codebase. A big thanks to @jksuom for patiently working with me.

So, overall it’s been an average GSoC week with SymPy.

Tasks Week-3:

  • Polish #9435 and get it merged.
  • Complete SeriesBase, FourierSeries
  • Start with FormalPowerSeries

That’s all for now. Catch you later.